Tuesday, January 11, 2011

CSP and NATO - to launch a comprehensive weekly electronic newsletter..

January 11, 2011 - CSP (Convenience Store Petroleum) Information Group and the National Association of Tobacco Outlets (NATO) have entered into an exclusive partnership to launch what will be the most comprehensive weekly electronic newsletter for tobacco operators and tobacco category decision-makers across North America.

"Tobacco E-News combines the superior legislative and lobbying efforts of NATO with CSP's award-winning editorial reporting," said CSP president, CEO and editorial director Paul Reuter. "The tobacco industry continues to undergo major transitions and, with the impact of FDA's oversight now being felt, there is no better time for tobacco outlets and c-store operators to have a dedicated resource helping them grow their tobacco business."

Guiding the Tobacco E-News will be the editorial team of Briant, CSP vice president and group editor Mitch Morrison and CSP editor Linda Zid. The new e-mail newsletter will launch next Tuesday, January 18, 2011.

The first official NATO show will be held from April 12-14, 2011 in Las Vegas - www.NATOShow.com. With registration for the new National Association of Tobacco Outlets (NATO) show now open, the organization's board president, Andrew Kerstein, is urging retailers to sign up to show their support of its tobacco efforts.

According to Kerstein, he would like the room to be packed with manufacturers, wholesalers and small-business retailers like himself during a keynote speech by the director of the center for tobacco products at the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), Lawrence Deyton. "We need Dr. Deyton and his staff to understand that when they make regulations they are impacting the lives of real people who are the owners of small businesses and are employers and taxpayers."

NATO has accepted CSP to be its exclusive media partner for the annual NATO Show this April.

Reference: CSP, NATO Launch Tobacco E-News
New newsletter focuses on taxation, regulation, new products and more
, CSP Daily News, 1/11/2011; NATO: Support Tobacco Group encourages show attendance to support tobacco initiatives, CSP Daily News, 1/5/2011.

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