Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kansas - smoke free law improve indoor air quality..

January 25, 2011 - A new study shows air quality at Kansas bars and restaurants showed a 94% decrease in indoor air particle pollution from smoking since Kansas restricted public smoking last July. According to the report this reduction in exposure to toxic tobacco smoke will result in improved quality of life and health outcomes for Kansas workers and residents.
Background: Starting Thursday, July 1, 2010 a new state law went into effect banning smoking in all restaurants, bars and workplaces — except certain private clubs and state-run casinos. (Kansas - goes smoke-free on July 1, 2010..)
Indoor air quality was sampled in bars and restaurants in six Kansas communities before and after the Kansas Indoor Clean Air Act was enacted on July 1st, 2010. The study analysis was conducted by nationally recognized indoor air quality researcher Mark Travers, PhD, MS of the Roswell Park Cancer Institute on behalf of the Tobacco Free Kansas Coalition.

“The results are very clear,” said Diane Tinker with the American Lung Association and the Tobacco Free Wichita Coalition. “This report shows the Kansas smoke free law is working. It is having a positive health impact in Wichita. Air quality levels in bars and restaurants tested in Wichita fell from hazardous levels to safe levels. Customers and employees are protected now from the dangers of second hand smoke.”

The statewide study showed employees working full time in the locations with indoor smoking before the law were exposed to levels of air pollution 4.4 times higher than safe annual levels established by the Environment Protection Agency.

Tinker said the findings are significant in light of the 2010 US Surgeon General’s report, that stated the toxic chemicals in cigarette smoke are carried by the bloodstream to every organ in the body. (A Report of the Surgeon General: How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease The Biology and Behavioral Basis for Smoking-Attributable Disease)

Reference: Kansas smoke free law improves indoor air quality in Wichita, ElDoradoTimes.com, 1/24/2011.

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