Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mobile, Alabama - awarded $2.25 million grant for tobacco control..

January 16, 2011 - MOBILE, Ala. — Working with a new $2.25 million grant, the Mobile County Health Department will promote ordinances throughout the city and county that would ban tobacco smoke in all public and work places, including bars and restaurants.

Other goals of the two-year campaign include:

* Pushing for an increase in the statewide excise tax on tobacco.

* Working with tobacco retailers to create new sales restrictions.

* Promoting free services to help smokers quit.

The grant funding comes via the Alabama Department of Public Health and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

“We have been identified as a region that has a significant problem with tobacco consumption and smoking in public and exposure to second-hand smoke,” said Dr. Bernard Eichold, who leads the local health agency. “This is an opportunity to make our community healthier.”

The new campaign builds on anti-smoking efforts already under way in Mobile and the county at large. For example, on Oct. 1 last year, health agency inspectors began pasting warning labels at the entrances of restaurants that allow patrons to light up.

Reference: Health Department awarded $2.25 million for anti-tobacco campaign by Casandra Andrews, Press-Register, 1/15/2011.

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