Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pets - Pets can be harmed by second-hand smoke and/or ingestion of tobacco products..

January 9, 2011 - Cigarette smoking is not only bad for your health, it also affects the health of your pets. According to the American Lung Association of the Mountain Pacific, recent medical research shows that cats and dogs living with people who smoke risk developing cancer, allergies and other illnesses from secondhand smoke.

Directly related news brief:
Pets can be harmed by second-hand smoke and/or ingestion of tobacco products...

If you've been on the fence about giving up smoking for the New Year, the Seattle Humane Society urges you to consider these facts:
* There is an increased risk for animals because they not only inhale tobacco smoke, but also ingest the residue that collects on their fur.

* Puppies that eat multiple cigarette butts can die of nicotine poisoning.

* Cats exposed to frequent cigarette smoke are at least twice as likely to develop a fatal cancer called feline lymphoma.

* When grooming themselves, cats are likely to ingest nicotine residue which makes them susceptible to developing oral cancers commonly found in smokers.

* Similarly, secondhand smoking increases the risk of certain cancers in dogs. Dogs with longer noses are at an even greater risk of developing nasal and sinus cancer. Short nosed dogs risk developing lung cancer.

* Due to animal sensitivity to smell, all pets can have severe reactions to smoke particles in the air. Much like their human companions, animals can develop respiratory infections, eye irritation, lung inflammation and asthma as a result of secondhand smoke.

Inhaling nicotine - can kill.. King County, Washington - bans the public use of electronic cigarettes...

Reference: Pet Tips: Passive Smoking Hazardous to Furry Friends, Source: Klein, Renee. "Another Reason to Quit Smoking this New Year." 28 Dec. 2010. American Lung Association in Washington. 1 Jan. 2011., Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog), 1/2011.

Source: Klein, Renee. "Another Reason to Quit Smoking this New Year." 28 Dec. 2010. American Lung Association in Washington. 1 Jan. 2011.

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