Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Raleigh, North Carolina - vote on smoking ban in parks delayed..

January 5, 2011 - A vote on a controversial ordinance that would ban the use of tobacco in Raleigh's parks has been delayed two weeks until the City Council has more details. In its first meeting of 2011, the City Council considered a measure that was recommended unanimously by a city parks board. It forbids smoking and the use of other tobacco products in any city parks facilities, including greenways and state parks such as Moore Square that are operated by the city.

But before the council takes action, it wants to know how the ordinance would be enforced and how much new no-smoking signs would cost. It also wants city staff to explore the possibility of no-smoking areas in parks, and whether the city should ban smoking in some parks and not in others.

November 29, 2010 - Raleigh, NC - may ban smoking in city parks..

The issue is surfacing a year after the state legislature banned smoking in restaurants and bars statewide, and gave municipalities the authority to enact stricter smoking regulations. Boone, Asheville and Buncombe County have adopted similar no-smoking ordinances. Supporters of the ban cite the dangers of second-hand smoke and dropping cigarette buts in places where kids can pick them up or try to eat them. Opponents say the government has no business in what they do outdoors. (Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina - you can smoke on the beach but don't drop them..)

Reference: Vote on smoking ban in Raleigh parks delayed by Ray Martin - Staff writer, Raleigh News & Observer, 1/4/2011.

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