Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Denmark - housing association has plans to build 30 smoke-free units..

February 8, 2011 - No-smoking signs could soon become a fixture of some flats after a housing association announced it has plans to build 30 smoke-free units.
The flats, a part of the Frederikshavn Housing Association would be the first of their kind in the country, but the trend toward non-smoking council housing seems to be spreading.

Two of the country’s largest housing associations, AAB and KAB, say they also expect to provide smoke-free accommodation in the near future.

Although experts pointed out that an increasing focus on public health made the smoking ban a natural development, at least one housing association head said his organisation had no plans to ask people not to smoke in their own home.

“We need to ask ourselves what homes are for,” Palle Adamsen, director of Lejerbo, told Kristeligt Dagblad newspaper. “Is it a place where we can live our live our own lives? I believe that it is.”

Reference: Association to build non-smoking flats, The Copenhagen Post, denmark.dk, 2/1/2011

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