Thursday, February 3, 2011

New York City Council votes to ban smoking in parks, beaches and other outdoor public places..

February 3, 2011 - New York City on Wednesday, February 2nd moved a step closer to ban smoking in parks, beaches and other outdoor public spaces, amid grumbling that the city government may have gone too far in its war on salt, fat and smoke. The city council voted 36 to 12 in favor of the smoking restrictions, extending an existing ban on smoking in restaurants and bars.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg has said he would sign the bill, and it would come into effect 90 days later.

Directly relate news brief:
New York City - tomorrow is the day, ban on smoking in parks, beaches, marinas, boardwalks and pedestrian plazas should pass..

The bill would leave enforcement to the city Parks department, which said it would give a warning before issuing a $50 fine. Police would not enforce the ban.

The ban includes boardwalks and pedestrian plazas such as the one in busy Times Square, where the city provides tables and chairs.

Next - California - will new governor now pass the ban on smoking at state beaches and parks.

New York City Council votes to ban smoking in parks by Basil Katz (Editing by Ellen Wulfhorst and Greg McCune), Reuters, 2/2/2011.

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