Wednesday, February 9, 2011

President Obama has reached his one year anniversary of no smoking..

No smokers here..

February 9, 2011 - At a luncheon conference today, Michelle Obama told reporters that she hasn't seen her husband take one puff in a year. She added that he wants to be the kind of father who can look his daughters in the eye and tell them he doesn't smoke if they ask. The President has fulfilled a personal resolution to stop smoking and has succeeded.

The first lady said her husband has “always wanted to stop.” She said their daughters, Sasha, 9, and Malia, 12, “are getting to the age where he wants to be able to look them in the face, because they want to know, ‘you don’t smoke, do you dad?’ And he wants to be able to say ‘nope.’”

Recent study PAPER: Giving Up Smoking Linked To Greater Happiness And Elevated Mood..

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs mentioned the president used “stubborn willpower” to successfully quit after trying Nicorette soft chews. (President Obama - willpower does the trick - president has gone 9-months without smoking..)

Reference: Michelle Obama Says President Kicked Smoking Habit by Kate Andersen Brower (,, 2/8/2011.

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