Monday, April 11, 2011

Denmark - Are these political parties interesting in your good health..

April 11, 2011 Figures from the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) from the World Health Organisation show that Denmark has an incidence of 326 people in every 100,000 developing cancer, the highest incidence in the world. Figures are based on 2008 statistics. (WHO figures show Denmark reports most cancer per 100,000 in the world.)

Denmark’s Socialist People's Party, Social Liberal Party and Unity Party have said they will liberalize the country's tobacco smoking laws if they win the next parliamentary elections, according to an Esmerk Danish News story.

At present the country’s anti-tobacco laws ban smoking in all enclosed public places.

But the three parties promise that if they are elected they will make exceptions so that people will be allowed to smoke in single-person offices and small pubs.

Reference: Danish parties promise to accommodate smokers, Tobacco Reporter, 4/11/2011.

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