Friday, April 22, 2011

MMWR - CDC predicts smoking bans in every state by 2020..

DIrectly related new brief:
CDC predicts smoking bans in every state by 2020..

READ MMWR Report: State Smoke-Free Laws for Worksites, Restaurants, and Bars --- United States, 2000--2010
April 22, 2011 / 60(15);472-475Cigarette Smoking --- United States, 1965--2008 Supplements
CDC January 22, 2011 / 60(01);109-113

January 22, 2011 -
Secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure causes lung cancer and cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in nonsmoking adults and children, resulting in an estimated 46,000 heart disease deaths and 3,400 lung cancer deaths among U.S. nonsmoking adults each year (1). Smoke-free laws that prohibit smoking in all indoor areas of a venue fully protect nonsmokers from involuntary exposure to SHS indoors.

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