Thursday, April 7, 2011

Rosendale Community Center - ULster County -p

April 7, 2011 - State Health Commissioner Dr. Nirav Shah had a message for people who want to smoke outside in public places – Don’t!

Shah was at the Rosendale Community Center Tuesday, April 5th to speak in support of smoke free outdoor spaces in Ulster County and throughout the state.

Second hand smoke can be just as bad,” he said, “children exposed to second hand smoke, whether it’s indoors or outdoors, are subject to have much higher rates of asthma and respiratory problems.”

Those problems are totally preventable, noted Dr. Shah, and they can be avoided by passing laws such as the ones on the books in Rosendale, and many other municipalities throughout Ulster County, which create smoke free outdoor environments.

Reference: tate health commissioner supports ban on outdoor smoking in public places,, 4/5/2011.

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