Monday, August 4, 2008

Morocco bans tobacco smoking in public places..

August 4, 2008 - Rabat, Morocco - Morocco's House of Representatives, the kingdom's lower House, Wednesday, July 23, 2008, passed a bill banning smoking in public places, tobacco advertising and selling to minors, a statement by the legislative institution said Thursday.

The bill, passed unanimously, is aimed at reinforcing the legal measures to prevent tobacco smoking, filling the legal gap that the absence of sanctions represented, limiting the bad effects of tobacco smoking and generating additional financial resources.

According to the statement, the measure is also aimed at protecting citizens' health, particularly that of youths and minors, and intends to expand the ban of tobacco smoking in all enclosed public places, including public buildings and means of public transport.

The new law allows the police to draw up reports on any breach, the statement said.

Morocco bans tobacco smoking in public places
, Afrique en ligne (African News), 7/24/2008.

As of June 3, 2008 Morocco had signed the FCTC public health treaty but it had not yet been ratified.

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