Monday, August 4, 2008

Imperial Tobacco acquires rest of Swedish Tobacco Company Skruf Snus AB..

August 4, 2008 - Imperial Tobacco Group, the world’s fourth largest tobacco company, said last week that it purchased the remaining 57 per cent of Swedish snuff maker Skruf in June for a “non-material” price.

Skruf Snus AB on September 20, 2005 entered into a strategic alliance with Imperial Tobacco Group Plc. As part of the alliance Imperial Tobacco had acquired a 43.5% stake in Skruf Snus. At this time, the companies signed a distribution agreement under which Skruf Snus would distribute certain Imperial Tobacco products on the Swedish market.

The most popular Skruf snus is the Skruf strong snus (Skruf stark in Swedish), it was
launched in 2005. Skruf stark is produced with a higher number of tobacco leafs and therefore has about 35% more nicotine than regular snus.
More on Skruf snus products.

Related news brief: Imperial Tobacco Gets Approval to Sell Brands in U.S..

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