Thursday, February 12, 2009

UAE new tobacco ban proposed..

February 12, 2009 - NEW TOBACCO BAN PROPOSED IN United Arab Emirates (UAE): The UAE's Federal National Council has issued a new proposal to further restrict smoking across the country and control how tobacco products are marketed, reported The National. Smoking would be prohibited in most closed public spaces, in cars with passengers aged under 12 and anywhere in hospitals, mosques, educational institutions and sport facilities. The Supreme Council, which is made up of the rulers of the seven emirates, must approve the ban.

A Ministry of Health stud revealed a quarter of those aged between 12 and 16 in the UAE were full-time smokers. About 27 percent of men and 2.4 percent of women in the UAE use tobacco products like shisha and midwakh, while 25.2 and 3.0 per cent respectively smoke cigarettes, according to the WHO. – Gulf News.

More Tobacco in the UAE - Euromonitor International...

Reference: New tobacco ban proposed in UAE, AMEINFO, 2/11/2009.

Related news brief: UAE - Quadruple Cigarette Price - Prevent Kids from Smoking...

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