Thursday, February 12, 2009

Nasal snuff another harm reduction product..

February 8, 2008 - Stop with these so-called harm reduction remedies - it seems like someone has a new one just about every other week. First it was snus - it's spitless if placed in a specific location in your mouth while sucking on the bag - any movement will release more saliva with an increased urgency to spit or allow the toxic juice to get into your GI tract resulting in an increased chance of pancreatic cancer. Or you have the dissolvables: the Camel orbs - a pellet that looks like candy - maybe a TicTac, soon a flavored tobacco filled toothpicks will be available followed by an edible film strips that dissolve when placed on your tongue. Now the push is on to use nasal snuff. Simple to use - sprinkle a small amount of the powdery-tobacco containing substance on the back of your hand before inhaling it through the nose. But wait--you have to be sure that your inhalation is not as deep as a "snort" because the snuff shouldn't get past the nose, i.e.; into sinuses, throat or lungs.

Toque (pronounced took) one brand of nasal snuff comes in 16 flavors of the tobacco powder including toast & marmalade, toffee, grapefruit, cherry, blueberry, raspberry, peppermint, espresso, whiskey & honey and peanut butter. Besides the powder form this snuff comes in mini-bullets with most of the same flavors.

How can we possibly keep our children from trying out all these new products?? IT's IMPOSSIBLE. They'll give it a try selecting their favorite flavor that masks the taste of the tobacco, the kid comes back for another and another because they just love the flavor. Only problem after using this stuff for a few times - our kids our future leaders soon will be addicted to nicotine for their whole life. So the child you've tried so hard to make the very best becomes a nicotine addict never able to reach his/her full potential. There are many adverse effects that occur with nicotine but one of the major ones is that it interferes with adolescent brain development.

Reynolds has defended the new dissolvable tobacco in part by saying the products come in child-resistant packs. IS THIS ENOUGH?? - WE'RE NOT TALKING ABOUT TWO YEAR OLD KIDS..

Most smokers start using cigarettes in their teens--with these so-called harm reduction products they could start before the age of ten. The makers of Toque indicate that about 50 percent of their customers are aged between 18 and 25 years old.

Tobacco harm reduction proponents think these products are a good option, not considering our primary focus - our kids. Oregon's state epidemiologist is concerned that the test marketing of dissolvables in Portland will be marketed to children. Dr. Brad Rodu's response.. This is nonsense. First, R.J. Reynolds signed the 1998 master settlement with 46 states (including Oregon), agreeing not to "take any action, directly or indirectly, to target youth. R.J. Reynolds signed the 1998 master settlement with 46 states (including Oregon), agreeing not to "take any action, directly or indirectly, to target youth." Another proponent, when we asked Mr. Godshall how can we limit the distribution of moist snuff pouches (Snus) so they don't get in mouths (or nostrils) of kids. He responded: The 1992 Synar Amendment, and laws in every state (and many local jurisdictions) sharply reduced tobacco sales to youth, and the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement sharply reduced cigarette and smokeless tobacco advertising and promotions that had previously targeted youth. Meanwhile, tax hikes on cigarettes and other tobacco products have further reduced youth consumption of those tobacco products.

It has been proven that these solutions are not sufficient.

Reference: Snuff sales puff up as credit crunch and smoking ban take hold, ASH Daily News for 15 October 2008.>

All tobacco products with no exceptions are highly addictive and dangerous to health; as the World Health Organization tells us "Tobacco is Deadly in Any Form or Disguise."

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