Monday, February 16, 2009

U.S. Again Marlboro, Newport and Camel preferred amongst youth smokers..,

February 16, 2009 - To assess the cigarette brand preferences among middle school and high school students who were established smokers, CDC analyzed data from the 2004 and 2006 National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS). Knowing the brand preferences of student established smokers can provide insights into what influences student smokers to start and continue to smoke. The U.S. researchers conclude that exposure to tobacco advertising and promotional activities plays a role in influencing youth to start smoking.

Cigarette Brand Preference Among Middle and High School Students Who Are Established Smokers --- United States, 2004 and 2006, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, February 13, 2009 / 58(05);112-115.

The three most heavily advertised brands, Marlboro, Newport and Camel, continue to be the preferred brands of cigarettes smoked by established student smokers in middle and high school. The analysis found that among established student smokers in middle and high school, Marlboro was the preferred brand (43.3% and 52.3%, respectively), followed by Newport, Camel, other brands. The use of Newport was significantly higher among blacks in middle school (59.7%) and high school (78.6%) compared with other racial/ethnic groups.

Asian, white, Hispanic, and multiracial students were more likely than blacks to smoke Marlboro. Blacks were more likely than Hispanics, multiracial students, Asians, and whites to smoke Newport. Whites and multiracial students were more likely than blacks to smoke Camel, and Hispanics were more likely than Asians to smoke other brands. The use of Camel was higher for middle school males -- 12 percent -- than middle school females -- 4 percent.

In 2005, the cigarette industry spent $13.1 billion in advertising and promotion, down from $14.1 billion in 2004. Since the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement, which prohibits tobacco advertising that targets persons aged <18 years, cigarette advertising expenditures in magazines with more than 15% youth readership have decreased. However, alternative promotional strategies likely are being used to reach youth, including sample distribution, point-of-sale promotion, specialty item distribution, and sponsorship of public entertainment. NYTS data indicate that although self-reported youth exposure to protobacco messages declined during 2000--2004 in all media channels except the Internet, most youth in the United States remain exposed to protobacco messages: in 2004, 81% saw images of smoking on television or in movies, 85% saw tobacco advertisements in stores, 50% saw tobacco advertisements in newspapers and magazines, and 33% saw tobacco advertisements on the Internet.

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