Monday, February 16, 2009

Wyoming - tobacco tax increase killed/Smokeless tobacco taxed by weight.

February 16, 2009 - Without discussion, the Wyoming House Revenue Committee killed a proposal Wednesday to raise cigarette taxes 50 cents a pack. "My goal is actually to sell less cigarettes," said bill sponsor Rep. Lori Millin, D-Cheyenne. "Then we aren't paying so much in health-care costs at the end." House Bill 224 would have raised the total tax on one pack of cigarettes to $1.20 and generated about $21 million. The bill would have earmarked that money for local governments.

Cigarette tax extinguished by Bill McCarthy, , 1/29/2009.

HB 67 becomes law - the tax on chewing tobacco will be based on product weight rather than a percentage of the product price, as is the case under current law. Consumers currently pay a 20 percent tax on the price of chewing tobacco. Under HB 67, the tax would be 60 cents per ounce. That will mean substantial increases in the price of low-priced brands of chewing tobacco, and much smaller increases for premium brands.

Supporters of the legislation, including some tobacco companies, say the current formula is based on bad tax policy that assesses higher taxes on more expensive products, putting lower priced competitors at an advantage.

Price of 'dip' could go up

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