Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Norway strict tobacco display ban by October 2009..

March 3, 2009 - Norwegian parliament was expected to legislate for a display ban on tobacco by Easter (April 12, 2009) with an implementation period of six months. This means tobacco would be removed from all public display by October. (Norway is not a member of the EU but is part of the Europe Economic Area.)

The Moodie Report has subsequently learned just how severe the display restrictions are likely to be. On the domestic market, retailers of tobacco would have to apply for a special license to sell tobacco, and these licenses would probably be restricted to specialist outlets and (possibly) the country's biggest retail chains. But petrol stations and newsagents would be unlikely to get permission to retail tobacco.

Norwegian travel retail is likely to have to implement a model similar to that in place in another Nordic state, Iceland (In 2001, Iceland became the first jurisdiction in the world to implement a law banning all retail displays of tobacco.). Retailers would have to create a stand-alone room in their stores for tobacco, with frosted, not clear glass, so customers could not see inside. No advertising would be permitted.

More on Tobacco in Norway - Norway - Euromonitor International..

Tobacco Control in Norway...

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References: Tobacco display ban looms in Norway; Nordic Travel Retail Group focuses on challenge to a key category by Dermot Davitt, ©The Moodie Report, 2/27/2009.

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