Friday, May 1, 2009

Rock Hill and York County South Carolina smoking ban starts today..

May 1, 2009 - Smoking ban in effect as of today, May 1, 2009 for residents of Rock Hill and the unincorporated areas of York County. The decision to ban smoking in public buildings did not occur overnight. City and county officials first had to wait to see whether the state Supreme Court would approve smoking bans initiated in other cities before forging ahead.

Even many smokers, though knowing they would have to give up smoking in bars and restaurants, acknowledged that they had no right to inflict their habit on others. The consensus that public health trumps smokers' rights seems to be growing, not only locally but around the world. People should not be involuntarily exposed to secondhand (involuntary,passive, secondhand, environment tobacco, ETS) smoke.

While the bans include fines for both smokers and business owners who ignore the law, it is expected that compliance with the new rules will be largely voluntary. Neither the Rock Hill Police Department nor the York County sheriff's Office has enough personnel to scour the countryside looking for violators. Jim Baker, County manager: “We aren't planning to send out undercover smokers.”

Reference: Smoking ban in effect Smoking ban officially takes effect today in Rock Hill and most of York County,, May 1, 2009.

Related news briefs: York County, South Carolina Council passes smoking ban..; Rock Hill, South Carolina Bans Indoor Smoking - it's official..; Cities/Counties South Carolina Smoking Bans, Latest Could Be Rock Hill...

1 comment:

  1. What a joke. Some of the patrons in many small neighborhood bars in Chicago that ignore the ban are off duty police officers.
