Sunday, September 20, 2009

Indianapolis, Indiana - tobacco control people are furious - city used as test market again..

September 20, 2009 - Again R.J. Reynolds Tobacco (RJR) has selected Indianapolis, Indiana as one of the three cities (Indianapolis, Indiana; Columbus, Ohio and Portland, Oregon) to test market Camel dissolvable tobacco products. Each product in convenient user-friendly dosage forms containing amounts of the nicotine to render the user a slave to this addictive substance for many years to come. (Camel Tobacco Dissolvables - Natl Assoc of Attorneys General - wait and see!. In fact, the nicotine delivery of these products is said to be high: whereas a cigarette smoker typically takes in about 1 milligram of nicotine, the Camel Dissolvables are said to deliver about 0.6 to 3.1 mg of nicotine each. Poison Control Centers - Camel Dissolvables - Nicotine Toxicity...

Normally, it's easy to tell when people are getting their nicotine fix. But smoking laws are changing and people can't light up in as many places as they used to."So, the tobacco companies are coming up with alternative so people can still have their tobacco."

Karla Sneegas, Indiana Tobacco Prevention: "We aren't happy that individuals are being used as human guinea pigs." Indiana Tobacco Prevention is furious about the newest way to keep people from quitting, and that the dissolvable tobacco is on shelves in Indiana. "They don't know what the long term risks are."

Tobacco Prevention says companies have used Indianapolis as a test market for the last nine years because the area has a high smoking rate and lacks strong smoke free laws. For example:Philip Morris USA is introducing a smokeless product under its Marlboro brand name called Marlboro SNUS pouches (12-pouches per slidepak container).., C-stores in Columbus, OH, Indianapolis, IN, Kansas City, MO, Orlando, FL, and Raleigh, NC (and to the east of Greensboro, NC) should expect the arrival Camel SNUS..; Philip Morris USA (PM)To Also Test Marlboro Snus In Indianapolis...

Retailers say it's too early to tell if people are buying in on the new idea.

Reference: Indianapolis A Test Market For New Kind Of Tobacco, WXIN-TV (FOX59) - Indianapolis, 9/18/2009.

Related news briefs:
Children in Indiana starting to use smokeless tobacco products..

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