Thursday, September 17, 2009

Smoking in cars results in higher nicotine exposure..

September 17, 2009 - Smoking in vehicles brings higher nicotine exposure by David Ress, Richmond Times-Dispatch, 9/17/2009.

We have already reported on this paper from the journal Tobacco Control (Published Online First: 25 August 2009) Secondhand tobacco smoke concentrations in motor vehicles, Miranda R Jones, Ana Navas-Acien, Jie Yuan, Patrick N Breysse, Johns Hopkins: More evidence - vehicles most dangerous space for second-hand smoke inhalation...

A benchmark 2005 European survey of nicotine, cited by the Hopkins study, in the air of restaurants that allow smoking reported median levels of 9.3 micrograms in Paris; 7.8 in Barcelona; 7.1 in Orebro, Sweden; and 4.7 in Athens. Only Vienna, at 17 micrograms, reported a higher average than the average for a driver smoking four or more cigarettes. Nicotine in the air of smokers' cars was higher than the averages recorded in a 31-nation survey of 1,284 smokers' homes, according to a 2008 report also cited in the Hopkins study.

The eight-cigarette driver's car had more nicotine in the air than 28 of the 40 European discos and bars that the 2005 the European survey examined. Each cigarette smoked roughly doubled the amount of nicotine in the air in the cars, the study found.

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