Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Malaysia - sale of cigarettes in packets of less than 20 prohibted as of June 1, 2010..

December 2, 2009 - KUALA LUMPUR -- Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said that in line with the decision, cigarette companies had been given seven months from now until May 31 next year to dispose off its stocks of cigarettes in packets of less than 20 sticks in the market.

"The government will not entertain any appeal on this matter and the Health Ministry will enforce the ban fully on the manufacture and sale of cigarette packets containing less than 20 sticks beginning June 1, 2010," he said in a statement, here on Tuesday, December 1st. He said the decision had been agreed upon by all the cigarette companies and the government was thankful for the support and cooperation rendered by these companies.

Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai: "The ban on the manufacture and sale of cigarette packets containing less than 20 cigarettes had actually been gazetted on September 23, 2004 under the Tobacco Products Control Regulations 2004, however, its enforcement had been postponed after the government considered the appeals by the cigarette companies."

Liow said that following the enforcement of the ban, anyone found guilty of violating the regulation was liable to a fine of not more than RM10,000 (2,965.16 USD) or imprisonment for a period of not more than two years. He added: "The ban on the sale of cigarettes in small packets was aimed at reducing the capability and capacity of children and youths to buy cigarettes and start the unhealthy habit."

He said the ban was also in line with the recommendation of the Framework Convention On Tobacco Control (FCTC) of the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Reference: Sale Of Cigarettes In Packets Of Less Than 20 Prohibited, - Malaysian National News Agency, 12/1/2009.

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