Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Finland - proposal for plain cigarette packaging surfaces again..

May 11, 2010 - Finnish health officials are devising more restrictions to fight tobacco use. One proposal calls for simplistic packaging of tobacco products. A Finnish anti-tobacco working group is calling for simple, white packaging with strict guidelines on printing the product’s name and warnings.

This is the same information we reported on back in October 19th of 2009. Finland - health officials devising more restrictions to fight tobacco use..

As we reported back in January 2010, Finland aims to be the first country to try to create legislation to end smoking altogether. We still wait on Parliament to vote on an anti-smoking bill, which is expected to grab headlines worldwide. The Finns are most likely upset that Australia has taken the lead in tobacco control in the world.

Philip Morris International (PMI) - launches website to campaign against plain packaging..

Reference: Tobacco packs under fire in Finland, Tobacco Reporter, 5/10/2010.

Finland related news briefs:
Finland - parliament will soon vote on anti-smoking bill..;
Finland - anti-smoking bill will end smoking altogether..;
Finland - to end the consumption of tobacco products by 2040..;
Finland - extends anti-tobacco law, restricting smoking in cars and ban on cigarette displays..;
Finland - health officials devising more restrictions to fight tobacco use..;
Finland - government proposing ban on smoking when kids present and other tobacco control measures..;
Finland may ban smoking in cars carrying children..;
Finland - Court of Appeals Hears Cigarette Liability Case, Decision Spring 2010..;
Finland banning shops from displaying cigarettes..;
Finland - proposal to ban tobacco display, total ban on SNUS..;
European Health Commissioner reprimands Astrid Thors for snus liberation campaign..;
Aland Islands Dispute Over Sale of SNUS On Board Ships Threatens Finland's Ratification of the EU's Treaty of Lisbon (The Reform Treaty)..;
Finnish Ferry Goes Swedish Over Snus Ban..;
EU Takes Finland to Court Again For NOT Banning the Use of Oral Tobacco..

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