Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Iran - won't be able to get a job in the execuiive branch of governemnt if adidcted to tobacco..

July 21, 2010 - People addicted to tobacco cannot get jobs with the government's executive branch, according to the semi-official Iranian Labour News Agency (ILNA), which cited a directive published Monday, July 19th by the Cabinet's information office. The directive -- intended to ensure that applicants are healthy physically and mentally -- follows the guidelines of the Law of the National Services Management, ILNA reported. The ban also applies to applicants addicted to drugs or alcohol, it said.

Rejected applicants can appeal to the medical council of the medical university of their province, the directive said.

Reference: Iran nixes smoking for executive aspirants by the CNN Wire Staff, CNN World, 7/19/2010.

Iran - news briefs:
Iran - cigarette smuggling hurting legal tobacco sales..;
Iran - surge in female smokers..;
Iran - 20% of fatalities caused by tobacco..;
Iran - 94% of drug seizures in world occur in Iran..;
Iran - over 45% of Iranians exposed to secondhand smoke..;
Iran - graphic warnings cigarette packs..;
Cigarettes, bras and Bull semen: Just a few things the US exports to Iran...

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