Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New York City - Mayor Bloomberg signs legislation into law that bans smoking in parks and on beaches..

February 23, 2011 - City of New York has taken the anti-smoking crusade one step further. In early February its City Council approved a bill banning smoking in the city’s 1,700 city parks and along its 14 miles of city beaches. (New York City on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 the city council voted 36 to 12 in favor of the smoking restrictions, extending an existing ban on smoking in restaurants and bars.)

Mayor Michael Bloomberg signed the legislation into law Tuesday, February 22nd that bans smoking in many public spaces around the five boroughs. Under the new law, smoking will be banned in the city’s 1,700 parks and 14 miles of public beaches. City pools and recreation centers will also be smoke free. The bill bans smoking in city pedestrian plazas, like in Times Square, as well. The new law will not be enforced by the city’s police force, but by officers of the Department of Parks and Recreation, who will be empowered to fine smokers $50 for each offense.

But Bloomberg speculated that in large part the ban will be enforced by good citizens “gently” encouraging smokers to be considerate of others. “This is going to be enforced by public pressure,” the mayor insisted, adding that “it’s just everybody’s going to turn to you and say, ‘Hey, you shouldn’t be smoking,’ [a]nd you know, most people listen to that.”

The law will go into effect in 90 days..

Background of this legislation:

February 2, 2011 - New York City - tomorrow is the day, ban on smoking in parks, beaches, marinas, boardwalks and pedestrian plazas should pass..;

January 8, 2011 - New York City - expects vote soon on smoking at beaches and park..

October 15, 2010 - New York City - City Council moves one step closer to extending smoking ban to parks and beaches..

August 24, 2010 - Mayor Bloomberg’s anti-smoking crusade could be coming to a city park or public beach near you, a plan plenty of people say crosses the line, reports CBS 2′s Dave Carlin. CBS 2 has learned that Mayor Bloomberg is looking at a possible smoking ban for all city parks and public beaches. The new measure would widen the current smoking ban – in bars, subways, buildings, playgrounds and other public places – to include some 29,000 acres of park land and 14 miles of beaches. (New York City - Mayor Bloomberg still mulling over smoking ban at NYC parks, beaches..)

July 7, 2010 - Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said on Tuesday, July 6th that he was leaning toward seeking a ban on smoking at city parks and beaches. See Background below on October 1, 2009 the mayor indicated he was pushing ahead to get this done.
Mr. Bloomberg said the ban made sense because it would cut the health risks of secondhand smoke and reduce littering. (New York City - Mayor Bloomberg still considering smoking ban in parks and beaches.. - Get It Done Already!!)

October 1, 2009 - The mayor initially hedged when Health Commissioner Thomas Farley proposed the ban last month, saying enforcement would be difficult. But now Mayor Bloomberg says he's pushing ahead with a controversial plan to ban smoking at city parks and beaches, after earlier saying it needed more study. (New York City - Mayor Bloomberg pushing ahead to ban smoking in city parks and beaches..)

September 14, 2009 - The city’s health commissioner, Dr. Thomas A. Farley, announced on Monday, September 14, 2009 that the Bloomberg administration would seek to ban smoking in city parks and beaches. (New York City - may ban smoking in parks and beaches...
February 9, 2011 - Meanwhile, the city of Boston may soon follow New York in banning smoking in parks and on beaches.

Reference: VIDEO - Bloomberg Signs Legislation Expanding Smoking Ban by: NY1 News,, 2/22/2011; New York City Bans Smoking in Parks, on Beaches by Dave Bohon, New American, 2/14/2011.

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