Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pakistan - survey - 40% of people believe that being Islam prohibits you from smoking..

February 23, 2011 - Some 45% of Pakistanis believe that smoking cigarette is not prohibited in Islam as opposed to 40% who say it is, according to a Gilani Research Foundation survey. In the survey, carried out by Gallup Pakistan — the Pakistani affiliate of Gallup International, a nationally representative sample of men and women were asked: “In some Muslim countries there is restriction on smoking and it has been declared ‘haram’ from an Islamic point of view.

In your opinion is smoking tobacco prohibited in Islam or not?” 40% of the respondents replied in affirmative whereas 45% said that smoking tobacco/cigarettes is not prohibited in Islam and 15% of the respondents gave no response.

Reference: 45% believe smoking not prohibited in Islam: poll,, 2/23/2011.

Pakistan - related news brief:
Pakistan - many cities people don't even realize that tobacco controls exist..;
Pakistan - on average 273 Pakistanis die each day from smoking related diseases..;
Pakistan - govt revenue loss on account of tax evasion, smuggling and counterfeiting in cigarette industry..;
Pakistan - will soon increase size of graphic warnings on cigarette packs..;
Pakistan - as of October 1, 2010 - cigarette packs must have 20 cigarettes or more..;
Pakistan beats India introducing - pictorial warnings on cigarette packs.. - REALLY..;
Pakistan - pictorial health warnings on cigarette packs will be enforced from June 1, 2010..;
Pakistan - govt misses deadline to implement pictorial tobacco warnings..
Pakistan - over 273 people die daily of smoking related disease..;
Pakistan - implementation of tobacco control laws difficult..;
Pakistan - February, 2010 - graphic warnings on cigarette packs..;
Pakistan National Conference Tobacco Control, October 28th..;
Pakistan - pictorial health warnings on cigarette packs and cartons soon..;
Pakistan - More, on rollback of the Statutory Regulatory Order on Designated Smoking Areas..;
Smuggled Cigarettes Give Boost To Pakistani Militants..;
Pakistan - strong tobacco control measures..;
Pakistan - Government must withdraw Statutory Regulatory Order..;
Bloomberg Grant: Tobacco Reforms in Pakistan...

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