Monday, February 28, 2011

Norway - smoking plummets among young people..

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February 28, 2011 - About 19 percent of Norwegians smoke daily (less than one in five smoke daily), down from 21 percent two years ago, according to figures from Statistics Norway. Another 10 percent smoke more irregularly.

Meanwhile, the number of people aged 16-24 who smoke daily has declined to 12 per cent from 24 per cent six years ago, though daily snuff consumption has risen in this age-group to 17 per cent. About 25 percent of young men and eight percent of young women use snuff daily. The current proportion of smokers is the same for men and women.

For the first time since the measurements of smoking habits started in 1973, the proportion of daily smokers amongst the 16-74 years olds is less than 20 percent. The share of snuff users was 7 percent in 2010.

Over the years, the authorities have taken measures to reduce the number of smokers. Among these efforts are a prohibition of tobacco advertising, health warnings on cigarette packets and a special smoking act that prohibits smoking in public areas indoors.

The declining smoking tendency among young people in the age 16-24 years continued in 2010. Ten per cent of young men and 14 per cent of young women are daily smokers. On the other hand, occasional smoking is more common among young men. When it comes to using snuff, the number of young users is rising. One in four young men now use snuff on a daily basis, and eight per cent of the women.

For the age group 16-74 years as a whole, the level of snuff users is relatively stable. Seven per cent used snuff daily – 12 per cent among men and two for women. The proportion of occasional snuffers is unaltered at four per cent.

Reference: Smoking habits 2010 Less than one in five smoke daily, Statistics Norway, 2/18/2011.

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