Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Nigeria - Tobacco Control Bill - pass into law ASAP..

March 22, 2011 - As the elections inch closer, the Senate last week passed a bill that will eventually give Nigeria one of the strongest anti-tobacco laws on the continent. Sponsored by Olorunimbe Mamora, a senator (Lagos East) on the platform of the Action Congress of Nigeria, the bill is called the Nigerian Tobacco Control Bill.

Nigeria - two years after, Senate passes Tobacco Control Bill..

We commend this step by the Senate and plead with the House not to water down this laudable bill. Passing it into law could help this set of lawmakers become one of the most proactive to have passed through the hallowed chambers. It is a great contribution to public health. We make this appeal because we know that tobacco products have for several years wreaked havoc on our people. This is our opportunity to curb this terrible scourge.

Reference: The tobacco control bill, NEXT Editorial, 234next.com, 3/22/2011

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