Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Turkey - In 2010 tobacco consumption decreased by 13.2 percent over the preceding year..

March 22, 2011 - October 8, 2010 - Turkey’s indoor smoking ban that took full effect as of July 2009 has resulted in cigarette sales in the country dropping by 16.2 percent this year over the same period last year, according to data from the Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory Agency (TAPDK). (Turkey - Cigarette consumption drops by 16 percent but increase in youth smoking..)

In 2010 tobacco consumption in Turkey decreased by 13.2 percent over the preceding year, according to data from the Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory Agency (TAPDK) that indicates the law banning smoking in public venues, which was introduced in a partial ban in 2008, has yielded favorable results.

A law banning smoking in all public venues, including all educational, health, commercial, social, cultural, sports and entertainment facilities and their corridors, went into full effect on July 19, 2009. In 2008, the first year of the smoking ban, the number of cigarettes sold in Turkey stood at 107.89 billion. The number of cigarettes sold decreased by 405 million in 2009, when the law was expanded to all public venues, including all restaurants, coffeehouse, cafeterias and bars.

The number of packages of cigarettes consumed decreased to 12.78 million last year from 14.73 million in 2009. The available data explains that the law banning smoking in public venues was the major reason behind a decrease in tobacco consumption.

Turkey currently ranks fifth in the world and third among European countries in terms of full compliance with smoking bans. The law requires that all restaurants, coffeehouses, cafeterias and bars have an appropriate outdoor area if they wish to serve smokers. The ban calls for a TL 69 fine for those who smoke in a prohibited area and a fine of up to TL 5,600 for operators who allow it to happen.
Reference: Smoking ban followed by 13.3 pct decline in tobacco consumption in 2010, todayszaman.com, 3/15/2011.

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More on the quick fix for outdoor smokers..;
BAT to Acquire Most of Denmark's ST..;
More on Philip Morris International of the Future..;
WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic 2008...

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