Thursday, November 22, 2007

Round Snus Can Turns 40..

November 22, 2007 — Up until 1967, snus had been packed for decades in oval cans and the move to round cans was thought to be so radical that Svenska Tobaks (tobacco operations began in Svenska Tobaks AB, the former Swedish tobacco monopoly, which was founded in 1915) felt obliged to run advertisements with headlines saying, ‘Stay calm guys! We’ve made new snus cans’. When the cans were developed in the middle of the 1960s, the round cans were considered more practical since the snus tended to collect in the corners of the square cans making it difficult to collect the tobacco. Also for manufacturing reasons, the round cans were preferable since production became more efficient. Swedes first started tucking snuff snus, known in Sweden as Swedish snus, under the lip at the end of the 1700s. Portion packaged SNUS (tea-bag like, packets) was launched in 1973. The dominant tradition of snus use in Sweden appears to have prevented the widespread adoption of tobacco combustion (e.g., cigarette smoking). This had a profound and lasting effect on Swedish tobacco use patterns and — in the case of cigarette smoking — related adverse health consequences.
Snus can in round shape is turning 40 years old.

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