Thursday, November 22, 2007

Cigarette pack displays 'tempt quitters'...

November 22, 2007 - The 1st world study led by Australian researchers found than a third of smokers who were trying to quit or cut down were tempted to buy cigarettes as a direct result of seeing them on display. The study also proves that recent quitter are lured back into the habit by the large glossy pack displays. This temptation may be harder to resist for cigars and smokeless products are stored in displayed on the selling counter while cigarettes are typically stored behind the counter. The investigators urge all jurisdictions to develop legislation to remove tobacco displays from sight in retail stores. The study, published in the international journal Addiction, and led by Professor Melanie Wakefield at The Cancer Council Victoria, Australia. The findings have prompted health groups to call on governments around the world to make removing cigarette pack displays from sight in the retail environment an urgent public health priority. See also the news brief "Link Between C-Stores and Tobacco Use." Click on image to enlarge..

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