Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Canada - Critics raise stink about cigarettes with less tobacco smell..

December 11, 2007 - Canada - Critics raise stink about cigarettes with less tobacco smell.. Mirage Cigarettes is a product developed by a Japanese subsidiary of Japan Tobacco International's (JTI)-MacDonald Tobacco, which has its corporate offices in the Mississauga city center - just outside of Toronto. While the company says the vanilla-smell emanating from the specially-treated tobacco paper used is an improvement, critics say it will make it more difficult to recognize and avoid the health effects of cigarettes smoked indoors. For the first time in a decade, Canadian magazines are carrying tobacco ads after tobacco companies ended a voluntary ban on advertising in mass-market publications. The ads have also appeared in various free weekly entertainment magazines across the country. D-spec products like Mirage produce less odor and are therefore more acceptable to people who find tobacco smoke unpleasant. In December 2007 JTI launched Mild Seven D-spec Super Lights Box 19 D-spec products on the Japanese market, 14 D-spec products are available nationwide and five in limited sales areas in Japan. ( JT to Launch Mild Seven Low-Odor Product.) D-spec cigarettes like Mirage are NOT less hazardous to health than other varieties. Click on image to enlarge..

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