Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Smoking Device has Quit fuming..

December 11, 2007 - Philip Morris will launch Australia's first hand-held electronic smoking device from its South Yarra concept store today (12/11/2007) in a move that has infuriated anti-tobacco groups. Unlike normal cigarettes, the device is said to deliver an "aerosol which gives the consumer the flavor and aroma associated with smoking" and claims to reduce second-hand smoke by more than 90%. Fiona Sharkie, Executive Director of Quit Victoria said the Heatbar had been a "miserable failure" overseas. She accused Philip Morris of deliberately targeting young people in one of Melbourne's most fashionable retail precincts and called on the Federal Government to investigate the device. It was approved by the former minister for ageing, Christopher Pyne, who was responsible for drug and alcohol policy under the Howard government. The Philip Morris spokesperson conceded that smoking through the device was NO safer than normal cigarettes. Quit Victoria is dedicated to eliminating the pain, illness and suffering caused by tobacco. For more information see: "Revealed: tobacco giant's secret new weapon in the age of smoking bans" by Cameron Houston, June 27, 2007. Click on image to enlarge..

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