Monday, January 28, 2008

Marlboro MST / Marlboro SNUS - Philip Morris USA (PM) Trying to Paint a Rosie Picture..

January 28, 2008 - While tobacco analyst Nik Modi of UBS Investment Research shows the test of Marlboro moist smokeless tobacco in Atlanta is slowly slipping down hill, Philip Morris USA says it is preparing to expand the test market to additional counties in the greater Atlanta area (product will arrive over the next couple of weeks). David Sutton, a spokesperson for PM said, “We’ve been really pleased with the initial reaction to the product by adult moist-smokeless-tobacco consumers in the Atlanta test market." Initially with the MST launch Modi was postive but after 2-months things have changed, his comment: “Marlboro MST’s share position has virtually been cut in half since its launch period.” Further, Modi said MST products from United States Smokeless Tobacco Co. (UST) were seeing a resurgence following an initial drop in share. Marlboro SNUS, currently in test market in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, builds on the brand equity of Marlboro cigarettes and comes in four varieties: Rich, Mild, Mint and Spice. "We are pleased with the initial reaction by adult consumers, wholesalers and retailers to Marlboro Snus in the Dallas/Fort Worth test market and look to build upon the learnings from that market, as well as our experience with Taboka, in Indianapolis," said Roy Anise, vice president of brand management smokeless for PM. (" Marlboro MST Test Grows PM USA “pleased” with results; analyst says share has dropped" by Steve Holtz, CSP Newsletter, 1/28/2008) Related news briefs: UST, Inc. NOT Worried About New Moist Snuff Entry - Marlboro MST; Philip Morris USA (PM) continues to stumble in the smokeless tobacco arena..; Philip Morris USA (PM)To Also Test Marlboro Snus In Indianapolis...

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