Wednesday, April 16, 2008

RJR adds more test marketing cities for Camel SNUS..

April 16, 2008 - RJR adds more test marketing cities for Camel SNUS.. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. (RJR) on Friday, April 11, 2008 said that it is expanding the test marketing of Camel SNUS - their refrigerated, smokeless, spitless moist snuff pouch product (with the tagline will be "Pleasure for where ever, whenever") from eight to 17 metropolitan areas starting in May 2008. The new markets are Atlanta, Baltimore/Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis/St. Paul, New York City, Oakland/San Francisco and Seattle. Camel Snus is the first snus product by a U.S. tobacco manufacturer introduced into those markets. "We're continuing to learn about the potential of Camel Snus as a viable product among adult tobacco users," said David Howard, a company spokesman. "We know snus is gaining traction.". It has not set a timetable for distributing and marketing Camel Snus nationally. The current test sites are: Austin, Texas; Columbus, Ohio; Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas; Indianapolis; Kansas City, Mo.; Orlando, Fla.; Portland, Ore.; and Raleigh. The product is available at Sheetz convenience stores in Winston-Salem and at convenience stores in Greensboro and High Point.

Although Reynolds does not dictate the price of Camel Snus at retail, the price is comparable to a premium pack of cigarettes, which typically sell for $4 to $4.50, Howard said. The competition for snus products has gotten tighter in recent months. Liggett Group LLC said on Feb. 26 that it would begin testing in May its Grand Prix snus in seven of Reynolds' current markets. Philip Morris USA is selling Marlboro Snus in Dallas and Indianapolis. The makers are putting more emphasis on smokeless products, such as snuff and snus, to gain market share and sales as the smoking rate among adults continues to decline. Camel SNUS sales in c-stores in Raleigh, NC have not gone well. Some stores report that they do not sell one can a week (a few more near schools) and they have to return their supply of SNUS because the expiration date has passed. There is also Lorillard's Triumph Snus being test marketed in Ohio and soon in Georgia. Some related Camel SNUS news briefs: April 8, 2008, March 4, 2008, December 14, 2007, December 4, 2007, November 6, 2007, November 1, 2007, October 30, 2007 and July 4, 2007. Click on image to enlarge.. (

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