Thursday, May 22, 2008

Swedish Match's (SM) Red Man Premium Moist Snuff hiding under the radar..

May 22, 2008 -Images (to the left) are from an ad that appeared in June 2008 issue of Popular Mechanics. (Red Man also has a co-promotion with Maxim magazine - see related news briefs below.) Note that they are giving away free cans for each potential customer. SM in their 1st quarter 2008 report did state that volumes of Red Man moist snuff contributed significantly to the volume increase. These give-aways have to stop if we want to keep people from starting to use tobacco and have people quit (possibly because of increase in cost). SM have a number of promotions to convince people that Red Man Premium Moist Snuff is the way to go, e.g., sponsor of Rolling Thunder Modified Racing Cars. SM in March 2008 announced the national launch of Red Man Moist Snuff after being test marketed in 11 eleven states for a short time.
Swedish Match is not subject to the same restrains on marketing as USST and cigarette manufacturers since they did not sign onto the tobacco master settlement agreement (MSA). (M. Cummings, Roswell Park)

1 comment:

  1. Red Man Moist Snuff and Swedish style Snus is significantly less harmful to one's health than the media would have you believe. Americans have fought for individual freedom, including the right to enjoy Snuff, snus, cocktails, Big Macs, etc. Your own "pursuit of happiness" and the freedom to make your own choices is in danger when you suggest taking away and restricting the rights of others.
