Wednesday, May 7, 2008

South Australia enforcing law to protect children from passive smoke in cars..

May 7, 2008 - South Australia enforcing law to protect children from passive smoke in cars.. South Australia on May 31, 2007 was the first state in Australia, and among just a few in the world, to outlaw smoking in vehicles when children aged less than 16 are passengers. Those caught breaking the law face on-the-spot fines of $75 and a maximum penalty of $200. Latest police figures show officers have issued 86 fines and 27 cautions in the financial year to the end of last month. Figures two months after the laws were introduced last year showed police had issued 14 on-the-spot fines and seven cautions. Substance Abuse Minister Gail Gago said it was disappointing--an average of about 12 people a month were disregarding the law and risking childrens' health. survey of smokers have found that 90% would support such a ban to protect children. (Quit Victoria) Some related news briefs: Secondhand (environmental,involuntary, passive) Smoke: Blood Vessel Damage Within Minutes.., Vehicles Most Dangerous Space for Second-Hand Smoke Levels.. and Ban on smoking in cars when children are present... Click on image to enlarge..

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