Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Canadian province of Ontario bans smoking in cars with kids under 16..

June 17, 2008 - Just a few days ago Ontario and Quebec Eliminated the Display of Tobacco Signs and Tobacco Products in Retail Outlets.. Already in Ontario smoking in workplaces and public areas, such as bars and restaurants is illegal. The new ban will provide an additional level of protection to children under the age of 16 , said Health Promotion Minister Margarett Best. “This is about protection of our most vulnerable citizens — children who do not have a voice,” Ms. Best told the legislature. Nova Scotia and British Columbia have already outlawed the practice, which critics liken to child abuse. Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick are also considering a similar ban. Health care groups who lobbied hard for a ban praised the province for taking the right steps to protect children's health. “Doctors have been calling for a ban since 2004 and raising awareness about the serious impacts on children of second-hand smoke in cars,” Ontario Medical Association president Dr. Ken Arnold said in a statement. Reference: Ontario bans smoking in cars with kids under 16 by MARIA BABBAGE, The Canadian Press, 6/16/2008. Related news brief: Vehicles Most Dangerous Space for Second-Hand Smoke Levels.. Click on image to enlarge.. Great Job Ontario.. (TobaccoWatch.org)

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