Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Cigarettes, bras and Bull semen: Just a few things the US exports to Iran..

July 9, 2008 - Despite increasingly tough rhetoric toward Iran, which Bush has called part of an "axis of evil," the value of U.S. exports to Iran has reportedly increased tenfold since George Bush took office. While there are reportedly strict rules about what the U.S. can ship over there, they apparently aren't too limited--US tobacco companies have reportedly exported $158 million worth of cigarettes to the nation since 2000, more than any other product. A couple other examples: the U.S. has also sold Iran about $12.6 million worth of bull semen and at least $101,000 worth of bras. Reference: US ships cigarettes, bras, more to Iran by Sharon Theimer, Associated Press Writer, Yahoo Finance, 7/8/2008. Related article: Health Professionals Criticize U.S. Tobacco Export Policy by CLYDE H. FARNSWORTH, SPECIAL , 7/20/1989.

Sen. John McCain, USA Republican candidate for president

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