Thursday, August 28, 2008

Latest mailing of free coupons for Camel SNUS..

As part of their public awareness and education program to get suckers (i.e., tobacco suckers) to try Camel SNUS R.J. Reynolds (RJR) mailed out two coupons for free cans.
Camel is no longer Swedish - it's made in the RJR plant in Winston Salem, North Carolina and the price is just about the same but now they give you 15 pouches down from 20.

Sales of Camel SNUS have been poor at best. They have tried so many promotions but we bet they have had to give away more cans than they have sold. We just could not believe how RJR could expand their test marketing to more metropolitan markets.

A few related news briefs: RJ Reynolds (RJR) still giving away free cans of Camel SNUS; R.J. Reynolds Tobacco pulling out all the stops with Camel SNUS.. and SNUS Awareness Programs on the Increase... There are many more news briefs, do a random search, e.g., enter: Camel SNUS..

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