Thursday, October 30, 2008

NSW Premier Rees Directly Involved Staged Smoking Bans..

October 30, 2008 - New South Wales the new Premier, Premier, Nathan Rees played a central part in establishing a staged smoking bans in public places. Rees worked on the staged introduction of smoking bans, that bitterly disappointed anti-smoking advocates, while he was an adviser in the Carr government (Robert John Carr Australian politician, was Premier of New South Wales from 25 March 1995 to 3 August 2005).

The purpose of the Smoke Free Environment Amendment Act 2004 (NSW) was to amend the Smoke Free Environment Act 2000 to phase in a prohibition on smoking in enclosed public spaces in licensed premises. The ban will be phased in from the commencement of the legislation, with increasing restrictions to come into force in January 2005, July 2005 and July 2006 culminating in a complete ban by 2 July 2007.

Click here: For more information on the restrictions to occur at each phase.

Reference: Rees put brake on smoke bans, Andrew Clennell, The Sydney Morning Herald, 10/30/2008.

Related news brief - Nathan Rees: NSW - Clerical Error 2008 Tobacco Bill Corrected..

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