Saturday, November 1, 2008

Monoco 2008 smoking ban in public places..

November 1, 2008 - In June 2008, the Principality of Monaco enacted laws regarding smoking and tobacco usage.

As of 1 July 2008, smoking is banned in all government offices and buildings.

As of 1 November 2008, smoking is not allowed in enclosed or covered public spaces and places where food or flammable goods are stored. Designated smoking areas are allowed except in educational institutions and places open to athletes and minors. These designated smoking areas may not offer any service, in an effort to prevent exposure to smoke by workers.

No persons under the age of 16 may buy tobacco products and photo identity may be requested of anyone purchasing tobacco products.

The sale of candy or toys for children with images of tobacco is also prohibited.

Any person who smokes in prohibited spaces is subject to fines, as is the person responsible for the establishment where the infraction occurred.

More information on smoking ban.

Reference: Monaco Smoking Ban Anglo Info Riviera.

As of 21 August 2008 Monaco was neither signatory nor party to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).

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