Thursday, November 13, 2008

USA - Will County IL - Nov. 2008 Free from Smoking Classes..

November 13, 2008 - Illinois' Will County Health Department's Freedom from Smoking programs is free of charge throughout the month of November 2008. That applies to any of the classes currently scheduled, even those set up for January, February and March of next year.

Nov. 20, 2008 is the date of the Great American Smokeout, when smokers pledge to cut cigarettes out of their lives forever, and the Will County Health Department has made this great offer.

Saving on registration costs is not the only way to save bucks in this poor economy, either. According to Will County Health Department health educator Michelle Marek, a bonus of more than $1,460 is in store for those who quit for good. That's the average cost of a year's worth of cigarettes, she said.

Ms. Marek: "Many of the health benefits to quitting smoking happen really, really fast. In only a matter of hours, your body begins to get healthier. Within two hours, the nicotine begins to leave your system. Within six hours, your heart rate and blood pressure begin to decrease. Your circulation improves within two weeks, as the blood vessels that were constricted by the nicotine begin to relax."

Reference: Help available for smokers who want to quit
by JEANNE MILLSAP, The Bolingbrook Sun, 11/12/2008.

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