Thursday, November 13, 2008

C-store update: Virginia Super Slims "Purse Pack"..

November 13, 2008 - Philip Morris (PM) Virginia Slim Super Slim cigarettes (Lipstick-size pack) have arrived at convenience stores. PM USA moved up the launch date that was scheduled for first quarter 2009.

Take look at the images..

Several health organizations had requested that socially responsible PM not release this cigarette knowing it will have direct appeal to young women. STOP launch of PM's Virginia Slim "Super Slim" cigarettes..

Four or five R.J. Reynolds representatives stopped by the c-store all smiles bragging about all the new forms of smokeless tobacco that will be launched - they mentioned something about a Camel spray form will also be coming. They encouraged personnel to talk up the pleasures of sucking on a Camel SNUS pouch. The Secret Shopper.

Previous c-store update.

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