Monday, February 2, 2009

Hawaii may ban lipstick-sized packs of Virginia Slims..

February 2, 2009 - Hawaii may ban lipstick-sized packs of slim cigarettes because some lawmakers believe they're marketed toward teenage girls. A bill pending before the Hawaii Legislature would prohibit the small, pink and teal packs of cigarettes, known as "purse packs," from being sold in the islands. The measure specifically mentions Virginia Slims Superslims Lights. They are made by Philip Morris USA and were initially marketed in the United States in October, according to the legislation.

"Something like this would appeal to young, gullible girls," said Jackie Young, chief staff officer in Hawaii for the American Cancer Society. "They're seductive looking. They're sexy and glamorous. But they're still full of toxins."

Take a look at various views of the lipstick-sized pack.

Bill Phelps, a spokesman for Richmond, Va.-based Altria Group Inc., the parent company of Philip Morris USA.: Similar types of thin cigarettes, like Virginia Slims Superslims Ultra Lights, have been sold for nearly 20 years, said The difference with these new cigarettes is their packaging. "Our marketing practices are designed to reach adults who are 21 years of age and older and already smoke," Phelps said, noting that the company supports legislation curbing underage access to tobacco products. Hawaii appears to be the only state attempting to prohibit these types of cigarettes, Phelps said.

Reference: Hawaii may ban 'purse packs' of cigarettes by Mark Niesse, Asociated Press - Forbes, 1/30/2009; Other Tobacco News, Convenience Store Petroleum (CSP) Daily News, 2/11/2009.

Related news briefs: C-store update: Virginia Super Slims "Purse Pack"..; STOP launch of PM's Virginia Slim "Super Slim" cigarettes:..; Virginia Slims "Purse Pack" Available 1st Quarter 2009..; Gallaher targets teenage girls with 'super slim' Silk Cut cigarettes..

The thin cigarette ban legislation has been referred to multiple committees, but hearings on it haven't been scheduled yet. HB327 and SB779. Click here to view the text of the bills.

Click on image to enlarge..

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