Wednesday, July 8, 2009

President Obama - time to get tobacco use out of your life forever..

July 8, 2009 - President Obama turns down a social smoke with his Russian counterparts. Instead Obama said he offered advice to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on reducing the smoking rate in Russia. A very good sign that our president - the role model for numerous people regardless of race - is ready to quit the use of tobacco forever.

Even when encouraged by the Russians the president refused. "You are among friends, smoking friends, so enjoy yourself," the paper wrote, pointing to the inexpensive price per pack - the equivalent of $1.25 - as proof that someone would gladly hand over a cigarette.

The White House says the president doesn't smoke in front of his wife and children, who accompanied him on this trip. They should know this is not good enough. Third-hand smoke clings to his clothing and also throughout the room (building) where he smoked.

Obama's oldest daughter has asthma - the presence of tobacco smoke can only aggravate her condition.

Typical smokers have very little education, make less than $34,000 a year and then there's President Obama - come on Mr. President, give up tobacco use forever.

The president apparently promised his wife he would quit smoking if she "let" him run for president. While far more momentous spousal vows have probably been broken by at least a billion or so married men, it would be nice if the president would honor this non-smoking pledge to his wife.

Fairly recently (June 23, 2009), President Barack Obama said he is “95 percent cured” of his addiction to nicotine, saying he has occasionally faltered in his attempt to quit smoking cigarettes. Mr. President show some leadership..

Related news briefs: President Obama still trying to kick his addiction to tobacco..; Father's Day and Third-Hand Smoke..; Children are especially vulnerable to thirdhand smoke...

Reference: Obama rejects Russians' invite to light up by Stephen Dinan, Washington Times, 7/8/2009; Smoke Rings in the Oval Office, Dave Quick, Santa Monica Mirror online, volume 11 Issue 4. July 2-8, 2009

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