Wednesday, July 8, 2009

North Dakota's Comprehensive State Plan to Prevent and Reduce Tobacco Use 2009-2014..

July 8, 2009 - Details of a North Dakota anti-tobacco committee’s plans for reducing tobacco use in the state over five years:

TOBACCO TAX: North Dakota’s tax on a pack of 20 cigarettes would rise from 44 cents to $2, with a proportional increase in state taxes on other forms of tobacco, including smokeless, pipe and chewing tobacco. The tobacco tax has not increased since 1993. If the Legislature declined to approve the tax increase, it could be offered to voters directly as an initiated measure.

SMOKING BANS: The North Dakota Legislature and local communities will be pushed to ban smoking in all workplaces and places of public assembly, including bars and outdoor arenas. The plan sets a goal of having five communities with comprehensive smoke-free ordinances by June 2013.

LOCAL SCHOOLS: At least half the North Dakota’s school districts would not allow tobacco use within school buildings or on school grounds at any time. Tobacco use would be prohibited at school functions, such as football games, no matter where they were held. Students would not be allowed to wear clothing with tobacco advertising.

COLLEGES: Eleven North Dakota colleges would have tobacco-free policies. Eight already do, according to Kathleen Mangskau, chairwoman of the anti-tobacco advisory board.

HELP IN QUITTING: Increase the usage of a toll-free North Dakota “tobacco quitline” from 0.7 percent of the state’s smokers to 2 percent. Encourage large employers to cover tobacco cessation treatments with their health insurance policies.

For more information on the 5-Year Plan..

Related news brief: North Dakota - statewide anti-tobacco plan to be released in July 2009...

Reference: Details of N.D. tobacco panel’s plans to cut smoking, Associated Press -, 7/7/2009.

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