Wednesday, July 8, 2009

C-store Update; Marlboro Menthol No.54, Camel SNUS, Altria, etc..

July 8, 2009

Marlboro Menthol 54 - During the promotion period, i.e., June 17, 2009 - July 26, 2009, the introductory price will be $2 off per pack and $20 off per carton.

These cigarettes are a big seller, in fact, the c-store owner can't keep enough in stock and the wholesaler has limited distribution. Sales are probably strong because of the price at $2.42 a pack compared to Newport at $4.63 a pack (North Carolina>.

Click on image to enlarge..

More on Marlboro Blend No. 54..

Maybe this is the last straw - all cans have been marked down to $1.99 from $3.69. Sales of Camel SNUS have NOT improved.

Camel SNUS Guide to Dating - latest guide that has been mailed to all people on the R.J. Reynolds mailing list. Just imagine trying to kiss your date with the pouch stationed in your mouth - between your upper lip and gum. You'll release much more saliva and have that urge to spit.

Others in the past: SNUS Guide to Airports..
Advertisements in Entertainment Magazines..
Camel SNUS Guide to Sweden..

Recently was at a local convenience store keeping up with the happenings and picked out of the trash a discarded Rolling Stone magazine (July 9-23, 209). There was one tobacco ad on thicker paper in the center of the magazine for Camel SNUS with a coupon for a free can with any tobacco purchase. (Leslie Zeifman of Straight Arrow Publishing Co., Inc. owners of Rolling Stone magazines, Rolling Stone still seeks readers who are "hip and young."

Altria Group’s tobacco companies: Philip Morris USA, U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Company and John Middleton, are now represented at retail by a single organization — Altria Sales & Distribution. Watch for Altria to start seeking agreements with retailers on the location of their products in stores and c-store involvement in selling their products.

Word from Columbus - R.J. Reynolds Tobacco has not yet attempted to launch the other Camel Dissolvables, i.e., Camel Sticks and Camel Strips..

Newport Pleasure Guide - 2009

Previous news brief..

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