Saturday, October 3, 2009

New York City - Mayor Bloomberg pushing ahead to ban smoking in city parks and beaches..

October 3, 2009 - The city’s health commissioner, Dr. Thomas A. Farley, announced on Monday, September 14th that the Bloomberg administration would seek to ban smoking in city parks and beaches.

The mayor initially hedged when Health Commissioner Thomas Farley proposed the ban last month, saying enforcement would be difficult. But now Mayor Bloomberg says he's pushing ahead with a controversial plan to ban smoking at city parks and beaches, after earlier saying it needed more study.

"The public is overwhelmingly in favor of banning it in parks as well," Bloomberg told the Bay Terrace Community Alliance at a campaign forum in northeast Queens on Wednesday night. "So, you know, we'll get that done."

Bloomberg on Wednesday (October 1st) night: "If you're in the middle of a park by yourself in the middle of the night, I suppose nobody else is breathing that smoke." Bloomberg said Wednesday night. But if you're there with other people playing around, those people breathe it."

Controller William Thompson, Bloomberg's opponent, told the group later that he would pursue the ban if elected. Thompson: "The concept of a smoke-free park makes sense to me."

Reference: Mayor Bloomberg vows to snuff out smoking in parks, beaches by Adam Lisberg, NEW YORK DAILY NEWS CITY HALL BUREAU CHIEF, 10/1/2009.

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