Thursday, December 10, 2009

South Korea - Stressed-out Koreans smoking more..

December 10, 2009 - Stress caused by the economic slump led South Koreans to smoke and drink more last year than in 2007, according to an Agence France-Presse (AFP) story quoting the Yonhap news agency.

The health ministry survey found that 47.7 per cent of male adults and 7.4 per cent of female adults smoked last year, up from 45.0 and 5.3 per cent respectively a year earlier.

At the same time, 74.6 per cent of males and 44.9 per cent of females drank twice or more a month last year, up from 73.5 and 41.5 per cent a year earlier.

The ministry survey did not speculate on the causes of the increases.

Reference: Stressed-out Koreans smoking more, Tobacco Reporter, 12/10/2009,

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Korea - slight increase in men smoking.. ;
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Korea - smoking ban just about everywhere by end of 2009..;
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Korea - smoking rates fall for men and women...

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